This publication, compiled by the International Maritime Pilots’ Association, brings together the experience and expertise of over 30 pilots and industry experts to produce a fascinating insight into the role of the marine pilot. This 256-page book, illustrated throughout with colour photographs and diagrams, will be of benefit to pilots, both current and future, as well as to shipmasters and seafarers.
It starts with a brief history of marine pilotage, followed by an overview of the legislation governing pilotage and pilot liability. It then looks in detail at the practical aspects of pilotage, such as the master/pilot exchange, pilot transfer, shiphandling, vessel characteristics and interaction, fatigue management, and training and certification. It also discusses pilotage in different locations, including canals, straits, rivers and deep sea.
A Brief History of Pilotage
1 Legal and Statutory
1.1 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
1.2 National Instruments
1.3 Liability and Criminalisation
1.4 Immunity and Exemptions
2 Conducting Pilotage
2.1 Planning – Pilot’s Passage Plan
2.2 Master/Pilot Exchange (MPX)
2.3 Communications and SMNV
2.4 Underkeel Clearance (UKC)
2.5 Winter Pilotage
2.6a Canal Pilotage – Panama Canal
2.6b Canal Pilotage – Kiel Canal
2.7 River Pilotage
2.8 Deep Sea Pilotage
2.9 Straits Pilotage
3 Ship Handling
3.1 Propulsion, Steering and Power
3.2 Ship Blackouts; Shaft Generators and Controllable Pitch Propellers
3.3 Navigation Technology and Equipment
3.4 High Sided Vessels
3.5 Azimuthing Control Devices
3.6 Squat
3.7 Interaction
3.8 Tug Use
3.9 Sailing Vessels
3.10 Handling Unusual Vessels
3.11 Warships
3.12 Fast Craft
4 Requirements, Training and Certification
4.1 Overview
4.2a Entry Routes to the Profession – France
4.2b Entry Routes to the Profession – USA
4.3 Continuous Professional Development
4.4 Mentoring Training
4.5 Use of Simulators
4.6 Scaled Manned Models
4.7 Bridge Resource Management for Pilots
5 Human Element - Fatigue
5.1 Fatigue Management
6 Transfers
6.1 Ladder Safety
6.2a Pilot Boat Evolution
6.2b Pilot Vessel Types
6.3 Helicopter Use
7 IMPA Strategy
Appendix 1 – IMPA’s Position on Competition in Pilotage
Appendix 2 – IMPA Guidance to Members on ECDIS
Appendix 3 – IMPA Position Statement on the Implementation of the IMO’s E-navigation Strategy
Appendix 4 – Guidelines on the Design and Use of Portable Pilot Units
This publication contains a large number of article from pilots from all over the world. This is reflected by American articles being in American English and other articles in UK English.
Title: IMPA on Pilotage
Number of Pages: 234
Product Code: WS1413K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-635-5 (9781856096355), ISBN 10: 1-85609-635-1 (1856096351)
Published Date: May 2014
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 305 mm
Book Width: 218 mm
Book Spine: 20 mm
Weight: 1.30 kg