This document introduces the Marine Terminal Management and Self Assessment (MTMSA) process which has been developed by OCIMF as a standardised tool for global application to assist terminal operators in the assessment of the effectiveness of their management systems for berth operations and the management of the ship/shore interface.
Terminal operators are encouraged to submit the results of their self assessments online to OCIMF’s central database for distribution to recipients approved by the terminal operator. Although MTMSA is principally a self assessment tool, external verification of the assessment by existing and potential users of the terminal can provide benefit to the terminal operator.
Self assessment can be used by terminal operators to verify that their management systems are comprehensive and promote safety and environmental excellence, with the intention of minimising risk in the execution of their operations and providing the ability to measure and continuously improve their management systems.
This self assessment process encourages terminal operators to review performance by means of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are detailed within the elements of this document. Analysis of this data will establish trends that can be used to effectively target resources on measures for managing and reducing risk.
Terminal operators may use their assessment results to develop a plan to continuously improve safety and environmental performance and transfer best practice across their operations through the consistent application of enhanced processes and procedures.
The adoption of a uniform format for the assessment may also, at the discretion of the submitting terminal, facilitate internal benchmarking of performance within organisations.
A fundamental element of effective safety management is risk assessment. The use of this Guide can assist terminal operators to demonstrate that risks have been identified, analysed and reduced to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable.
This document includes best practice guidance based on current international legislation and recognised industry guidelines and codes of practice. In addition, in the online version, supplementary information will be available via a ‘Help’ facility to assist users when completing the assessment.
Purpose and Scope
Section 1 The Quality System (MTMSA) and Guidelines
1.1 Continuous Improvement
1.2 The Concept of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – a Typical Measurement Process
1.3 Self Assessment Process
1.4 Verification Process
1.5 Completion and Submission of the MTMSA Report
Section 2 The 15 Elements of the MTMSA
Element 1 Management, Leadership and Accountability
Element 2 Management of Personnel
Element 3 Port and Harbour Operations
Element 4 Terminal Layout
Element 5 Ship/Shore Interface
Element 6 Transfer Operations
Element 7 Maintenance Management
Element 8 Management of Change
Element 9 Incident Investigation and Analysis
Element 10 Management of Safety, Occupational Health and Security
Element 11 Environmental Protection
Element 12 Emergency Preparedness
Element 13 Management System Review
Supplementary Elements
Element 14 Operations at Buoy Moorings
Element 15 Terminals Impacted by Ice or Severe Sub-Zero Air Temperatures
Title: Marine Terminal Management and Self Assessment (MTMSA).
Number of Pages: 90
Product Code: WS1113K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-550-1 (9781856095501), ISBN 10: 1-85609-550-9 (1856095509)
Published Date: September 2012
Binding Format: Hardback
Book Height: 300 mm
Book Width: 210 mm
Book Spine: 10 mm
Weight: 1.00 kg
Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum