New Zealand Nautical Chart NZ41: North Cape is a standard nautical chart. This nautical chart complies with Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations and is ideal for professional, commercial and recreational use. Charts within the series consist of a range of scales, useful for passage planning, ocean crossings, coastal navigation and entering port. Mariners should always use the largest scale nautical chart appropriate to their needs. This nautical chart is produced using the latest "Print on Demand" technology and comes with the latest notice to mariner (NTM) information when printed. It is the mariner's responsibility to maintain and correct the chart onwards to be in compliance with SOLAS regulations and to ensure safe navigation.
This New Zealand nautical chart is reproduced through the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Additional charts covering these areas are available from the New Zealand Hydrographic Office. Their details are available in the catalogue published by the New Zealand Hydrographic Office, both in chart indexes and/or online.
Chart Details
- Panel NameNorth Cape
- Natural Scale200000
- North Limit33� 36'.00S
- East Limit173� 11'.00E
- South Limit35� 31'.60S
- West Limit171� 41'.20E