This publication describes the vetting of LNG carriers, incorporating the use of the SIRE 2.0 programme as a risk assessment tool. It provides an overview of LNG shipping business, with recommendations on the technical aspects of LNG ships relevant to the vetting and clearance process.
This third edition outlines the history of LNG shipping and provides an overview of the various types of engines, propulsion systems, gas management and cargo containment systems currently in use within the industry. It details the ship/shore compatibility process for LNG ship/shore and ship/ship cargo transfer operations.
The book sets out relevant sections of the SIRE 2.0 CVIQ and suggests practices and processes for taking advantage of new opportunities for assessment derived from the introduction of the SIRE 2.0 inspection regime. It describes changes introduced by the SIRE 2.0 programme to assist stakeholders understand the impact on their vetting processes.
Finally, the book introduces the concepts of continuous improvement, resilience and the human element and considers their impact on the vetting of LNG ships.
The Author
Purpose and Scope
The Need to Vet Ships
Section 1: The Trading of LNG by Sea
1.1 Overview
1.2 Sales and Purchase Agreements
1.3 The LNG Supply Chain
1.4 Production Projects
1.5 Major Exporters of LNG
1.6 Major Importers of LNG
1.7 The LNG Shipping Business
1.8 LNG Terminals
1.9 Ship to Ship Transfer
Section 2: The LNG Fleet in 2022. A Technical Overview
2.1 LNGCs
2.2 Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRU)
2.3 Surveys and Certification. Certificate of Fitness
2.4 Cargo Containment Systems
2.5 Main Propulsion Systems on LNGCs
Section 3: Vetting on LNGCs
3.1 The Elements of Vetting
3.2 The SIRE 2.0 Programme
3.3 The Technical Approval Process. The Ship/Shore Interface
3.4 Assessing Ship Quality
3.5 Assessment for Use
3.6 Using Marine Assurance Systems for Assessing Ship Quality (Courtesy of MIS Marine)
Section 4: Assessing Risk
4.1 Understanding and Managing Risk
4.2 The Role of the Vetter in Assessing Risk
4.3 Addressing Observations During SIRE 2.0 Inspections
Section 5: Using SIRE 2.0 CVIQ as a Risk Assessment Tool
5.1 Analysing SIRE 2.0 Inspection Reports. Negative Observations
5.2 Chapter 8 of the SIRE 2.0 Question Library and its Application to LNGCs
Section 6: Continuous Improvement, Resilience and the Human Element
6.1 An Introduction to the Concept of Resilience as Part of the Vetting Process
Appendix A – List of the full LNGC fleet (listed by size) >65 km3 as of the beginning of 2022, including FSRUs
Appendix B – List of the LNGC fleet ordered by ship age, oldest to newest
Appendix C – List of the LNGC fleet ordered alphabetically, by ship name
Appendix D – Orderbook of LNGCs >65 km3 for 2022–2023, including FSRUs
Captain Juan P. Presedo