UK P&I List of Correspondents, 2021 Edition

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Media:eBook ?
Language English
Media eBook
Publisher Witherby Seamanship International
UPC 852687524160

This is a free PDF supplied by UK P&I. 

This book lists the contact details of the Managers and a full list of the Club’s
correspondents network. The list of Correspondents is available as a pdf on the UK Club
website (, and whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this
book is correct at time of print, details can change throughout the course of the year. We
recommend when looking for a correspondent, you use the Find a Correspondent look u
on the website or alternatively, download the UK Club Correspondent App.

    (e-Books are equivalent digital PDF copies of their hardcopy counter part version. They differ from e-readers in the fact that they do not require additional software for viewing but require a Adobe PDF viewer. Please allow up to 24 hours for this digital publication to be assigned to you.)

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